Determinants of the Choice of Russian Language as an Academic Programme: Does the Moderating Role of Age Matter?
This study examined the determinants of the choice of the Russian Language as an academic programme and the
impact of the moderating effect on different age groups. The study sampled related constructs from several
theories including cognitive approach aptitude treatment interaction, theory of planned behaviour, Affective filter
hypothesis, cognitive load theory and Expectancy and motivation theory. A quantitative survey and the PartialLeast-Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) were adopted as methodology and analysis. The
findings of this study offer a comprehensive framework for determining factors that influence prospective
students’ decisions when considering a foreign language as an academic programme to study. The results show
that AGE, Cognitive Load, Cost, Perceived value, and Subjective norm positively influence prospective learners’
choice of the Russian Language as an academic programme. Aptitude and attitude, on the other hand, have a
negative influence. The study further found that Age is significant and is essential in influencing how cognitive
load, cost, and aptitude impact the decision to study the Russian language. Age emerged as a significant
moderator, with older learners showing a higher inclination towards the Russian language programme. The
findings offer new perspectives for shaping language selection for applicants and educational service providers.